Here’s How It Works...


Find Tradies On-Demand

Finding tradies has never been easier. Post a job and hire from a list of applicants within minutes. It’s that easy!

Connect & Expand your network

Build your local network to access the skills and services you need with tradies you can trust.


Support & Manage your business, the smart way

Access the right tools and features in a simple app, designed to be your best workmate.

Review & Rate every tradie on the job

Choose the right tradie for the job based on reviews and ratings on previous jobs completed.


Find Work On-Demand

Browse job cards that fit what you’re seeking and apply with the tap of a button.


Seek & Book around your availability

Earn money on your schedule, when and where it’s convenient.

Review & Rate every job completed

Leave feedback on your experience and empower other seekers.



How does traydi work?
traydi takes the grind out of running your business or finding work. traydi helps tradies find work, hire a worker or even a crew, and build a network of tradies.

It’s very simple to create a profile and outline your experience, qualification, and skills.

We have an awesome explainer video made just for you here!
Does traydi have any costs or charges?
That’s a BIG NO. Our app is designed to be completely free for businesses and tradies to use and make it their best mate in times of need.

We also don’t have any payment gateways – this can be discussed between you and the tradie you connect with.
How does traydi help me find work?
traydi will match you with nearby posted jobs matching your type of work, skills, location, and other requirements.

We also have a simple dashboard outlining all the jobs you have shown interest in, making it easier to follow up.

We will be updating our app to instantly notify you of jobs matching your personalised listing.
Will traydi help me find workers when I need them?
Yes! traydi is all about helping businesses grow by having access to a pool of qualified and experienced tradies as well as skilled labourers.

When a job is created through our simple 2 step process, we instantly send it to all relevant tradies.

The app is designed to make it easy for the right people to view posted jobs and contact you in-app.
How do tradies get verified?
We have a validation system build-in for you, where a government issued, or your qualification can be uploaded on the traydi app for review.

Once approved, your account will be given a green verification tag! This helps build trust within the community in a safe and secure way.
How can I find jobs in my area?
The more connected you are, the easier it will be to find a job. Connecting with other tradies simply requires following their profile. Keep checking the app and apply to as many jobs as possible.
How do I report an issue or a bug?
We have an in-app contact feature for you to use whenever you need to reach out regarding an issue. Simply access the side menu -> Help & Support.

We have a specialist team working around the clock on reported bugs! We are here to make your experience enjoyable.
How can I tell my mates about traydi?
Easy! Add your address book and we will let you know which one of your mates do not have a traydi account. Just select and send your fellow tradie an invitation through the app.
I can’t find my trade or skills on traydi!
If you don’t see your trade or appropriate skills listed, simply send us a request through your side menu -> Help & Support -> New trade/skills request.

For new trades, please include a list of required skills separated by a comma. Once this is completed, leave the rest to us and we will contact you as soon as possible!
How do I de-activate or delete my profile?
Oh no! if something is not working out, please let us know. Your feedback means a lot to us and helps us improve our app.

We hope you stay, otherwise you can delete the account by navigating to the side menu -> settings -> delete account.